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Hi, I'm Erica...

 I have no experience in podcasting. 

I am not a journalist

I am not a comedian


I have never worked in media or radio. 


I’m a mom with 2 kids, I live in Toronto and for the last 15 years I have worked in Healthcare.  But COVID changed all of us...and the way that it changed me was to spark a creative hunger to spend my daytime hours doing what I love best...talking to people.  


I've always been the person at parties in the corner having an intense conversation with someone I've just met.  It's very common for people to walk by and stop (after overhearing a soundbite that is the opposite of small talk) and say "What ARE you guys talking about?"


When I meet you, I want to know all about you. I want to know your story...intimately.  And it's really because I am genuinely curious.  I feel connected when I am able to feel the other person, and step inside their shoes.


So I started this podcast, and now I get to have incredible conversations with people who's story is interesting.  Because we are ALL interesting.


So....What's Your Story?

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My daughter's cover art 
for this podcast

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